There are eight angels who bear the Arsh of Allah, which is the greatest of all the creatures. It encompasses the heavens and the earth, and Allah is above it. There are also angels who are appointed for mountains, others for rain, for land produce, for clouds and thunder. There are the keepers of Jannah, and the keepers of Jahannam( Hell.). Beside those,there are many angels whose duties and number only Allah knows.
A Muslim must love all angels without distinction because all of them are obedient slaves of Allah. He who hates one of them hates all. After all, the angles love the believers and pray for their welfare. Then Allah says:
It is He Who mentions you in the Supreme angelic sphere, and His angels pray for you so that He delivers you from darkness into light, and He is Merciful to the Believers.( Holy Qur'an. 33:43)
The Guards of Madinah
The Dajjal, or the False Messiah, will traverse all over the world save two places; Makkah and Madinah. Tameem ad-Dari, who met ad-Dajjal, said that the latter told him:
I am the False Messiah. I am just about to be released, and will go forth to enter every town within forty nights, except Makkah and Taibah ( Madinah) both of which I am barred from; whenever I want to enter one of them an angel receives me with a sword in his hand driving me away from it. There are angels who guard every entrance of these two cities.( Muslim,Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidthee)